Saturday, April 25, 2009

Four Gifts For Expectant Moms

Review of products that would make great baby shower gifts.

Have you ever gone to a baby shower wishing you had something original or unique to share with the new mom instead of the same old nursery clothes and baby blankets? Thanks to these finds, now you can!

BaBa Belt

Hey Mom and Dad! Tired of holding that baby bottle every time your little one is hungry? Too afraid to prop a bottle up with a pillow and walk away? I don?t blame you!

Thanks to a new invention, you can feed your precious buddle of joy and still have a free hand.

Each Baba Belt is designed with an adjustable strap and an elastic sleeve to hold different bottles at just the right angle for feeding, so you don?t have to worry about your little one getting too much air and not enough formula.

And parent of twins, guess what! With an extra hand, you can feed both babies at the same time. How? One hand holds baby number one while the Baba Belt is nestled securely around your neck to act like an extra pair of hands. The second hand is now free to hold bottle number two. Just prop baby number two up on the couch, sit on the floor next to your baby, and hold bottle number two in baby?s mouth. Two hands, two babies, two simultaneous feedings.

Why no one thought of this years ago, I?ll never know. I would have loved to be able to hold my children, now 15 and 10 years old, in one arm and be able to work on the computer, talk on the phone without a crink in my neck from trying to hold the phone with my shoulder, clean the house, or hold the other child?s hand while strolling in the park and still be able to feed my fussing baby.

Smart Mom Jewelry

As a young mom, I refused to wear jewelry. I was always so afraid that my babies would tug hard enough that a piece would get launched inside their throats. And, I hated pacifers. That, of course, meant lots of long days and nights during their teething months. So when I heard about Smart Mom's jewelry line designed to solve the whole teething problem, I had to check them out. And boy am I glad I did!

While my kids are much too old for teething rings, I have many babies in the family, with more popping up all the time. Now, I can give out pretty gifts for mamma and still stick to my guns about not jewelry around babies.

The Teething Bling?, as the jewelry has been named, was actually designed to be handled, chewed, slobbered on, and yes, even tugged. And the best part is that it is made from the same material that teething toys are made from: non-toxic, phthalate/BPA/PVC free, federally approved, dishwasher safe, silicone!

And the best part is that they?re so affordable. At just under $20, you can have an elegant gift for mommy and baby. There are many styles to choose from too, from heart-shaped pendants to donut-shaped pendants to matching bangles.

Stowers Swaddlers

Ah, the precious birth of a newborn baby: the sweet smell, the tiny hands, and that beautiful smile, all wanting to be held and loved. Who can resist buying at least one cute and cuddly infant blanket for the newborn in her life?? I know I can't.? But wait...believe it or not, I've found something better!

Not only are Stowers Swaddler blankets soft, cute, and cuddly, they make wrapping babies a cinch.? There?s no more worries about loose or tangled feet and arms, there?s no more frustration over which part gets folded first: the bottom, the left or the right, and there?s no more worrying about the baby rolling over on his/her side and suffocating. With a Stowers Swaddler, parents can wrap their babies like the professionals, while keeping their baby?s bodies snug and warm?until they decide to remove the blankets.

Sleep Huggers

A sleeping bag with arm slots?just for baby!

My sister-in-law just had twins and I can?t think of a better gift than a Sleep Huggers? Baby Sleeping Bag. I received a beautiful, pink one for review a few months ago and haven?t had time to actually try it out until now. It?s such a great idea!

Designed to take the place of covering baby with blankets that get kicked off during the night, the Sleep Huggers? stays put. There?s no more waking in the middle of the night worrying that baby has once again kicked off her blankets and is cold because this little blanket zips right up and there are slots for baby?s arms so your baby won?t feel restricted and can move about freely.

I really wish these were around when my children were little. They were always kicking their covers off, getting cold, and crying out. And you know what happens when babies get cold don?t you? They pee! So not only was I getting up to replace the covers, but I was getting up to change diapers. Plus, not having loose covers in the crib would have eased my mind. I was always getting up checking to make sure they were breathing and that they didn?t somehow get tangled up in their blankets.

Yes, the Sleep Hugger? would have saved me from many sleepless nights. But you want to know what is really cool? The Sleep Huggers? comes in sizes large enough for children up to 6 years of age!

Now, you and I both know that as we work towards getting our children to sleep in their own ?big beds? they discover ways to come into mom?s room and ask to ?please, please, let me sleep with you?. Now, instead of pulling out that dreaded sleeping bag or tons of blankets, all you have to do is bring up your child?s pillow and take your warmly wrapped Sleep Huggers? toddler and lay her down on the floor right next to your bed. It?s a great way to help your child feel safe sleeping on her own, until she can spend an entire night in her ?big girl bed?.

I really liked the quality and design of the Sleep Huggers? sleeping bag and feel that once you give it a try, you won?t want to go back to traditional blankets. Now if they?d only make them for lazy pre-teens who refuse to sleep under their covers because it would mean making the bed in the morning, I?d be in heaven!

Source: Free Articles from


Alyice Edrich is a freelance writer. Visit her resume site at to hire her for your next project. Or visit her online e-bookstore store to learn about running a business from home.



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